Store Selector

Each user are able to select the store and role they want to interact on EasyBloggers.

If you are a creator, a manager, or a blogger of a store, you can choose the store you want to work with.

When available, you'll see an icon with two arrows at the bottom left of your screen, when you click on it, the list of the stores will show and you just have to click on it to select it.

Dropboxes - Creators

For creators, when you have multiple stores, you can assign Dropboxes to each indivual Stores you own. Go on your Dropboxes pages, select a Dropbox and in the modal, you can click on the Stores you want to assign the Dropbox to:

If you assign a Dropbox to a store 1, and you are interacting with the store 2, you won't be able to see the content of the Dropbox assigned to the first store.

Last updated